4 Best Diets For Type 2 Diabetes

4 Best Diets For Type 2 Diabetes

4 Best Diets For Type 2 Diabetes.
4 Best Diets For Type 2 Diabetes.

You can find a variety of suggestions and tips on how best to eat for Type 2 Diabetes from the American Diabetes Association. That being said there are a few diets, which are believed to be helpful for managing the illness. 4 Best Diets For Type 2 Diabetes.

These are just a few of the diets as recommended by WebMD, the reason they are beneficial in that they help with weight loss as well as managing blood sugar levels.

The Mediterranean Diet

When it comes to healthy diets, The Mediterranean Diet tends to always feature. The great thing about it is there’s nothing complicated here – it’s all about eating fresh and natural products. Fresh fruit and vegetables play a major role, along with fish and olive oil. It’s simple and it’s easy – and there are centuries of evidence showing that people who live in the Mediterranean experience lower levels of cancer and heart disease than the rest of us.

So, it stands to reason that their diet is a prime reason for this. Get ready to eat with the seasons, as there’s a lot to be said for nature knowing what your body needs to eat at specific times of the year. So, when a specific fruit or vegetable is in season make sure it’s in your shopping cart. The Mediterranean

Diet is incredibly easy to stick to and as it forms part of a healthy lifestyle, you don’t need to worry about yo-yo dieting or an expanding waistline.

The Biggest Loser Diet

Yes, the diet came from the hit television program and the diet is ideal for diabetics. It doesn’t red tape any food groups so it doesn’t feel as restrictive as a lot of diets typically do. It simply places the focus on a specific percentage of your daily calorie count being used for protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

Refined carbohydrates are limited which is particularly helpful for diabetics, but overall it’s a balanced diet that can work for anyone.

ADA Carbohydrate Counting

The American Diabetes Association Carbohydrate Counting diet isn’t really a diet, at least, not in the traditional sense. It isn’t about weight loss; it’s all about managing your blood sugar levels.

A lot of foods that are high in carbohydrates are also highly calorific, which means that when you cut back on them it will naturally result in weight loss. Therefore, while weight loss isn’t the focus, it’s a happy bonus.

You should speak to your doctor, though, about what number of carbs you should be including in each of your meals, on average its anywhere from 45 to 60 grams, but it may be different for you.

A meal plan can be designed specifically for you based on your requirements (http://www.diabetes.org/food-and-fitness/food/what-can-i-eat/understanding-carbohydrates/carbohydrate-counting.html).

The DASH Diet

DASH is commonly used to improve heart health, but it’s as effective for managing Type 2 Diabetes. Its focus on fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, lean proteins, and natural foods is a healthy choice for anyone and the best part is that it is easy to follow, which means the entire family can happily enjoy it without one person having to follow an entirely different diet.

Luckily, it won’t increase your grocery bill by too much either. It’s an effective tool for weight loss and for managing hypertension, which is common amongst Type 2 Diabetics.

The most effective way to control Type 2 Diabetes is through diet and exercise. If one of these diets sounds appealing, make sure to speak with your doctor before going ahead.

4 Best Diets For Type 2 Diabetes

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