5 Natural Remedy Recipes

5 Natural Remedy Recipes

5 Natural Remedy Recipes
5 Natural Remedy Recipes

Here you will find 5 Natural Remedy Recipes. All-Natural Cholesterol Reduction Recipe. Anxiety Relief Tea. Easy Insomnia Remedy. Immunity Boosting Tea. Sore Throat Remedy. They all are very easy to make and very cheap also.

All-Natural Cholesterol Reduction Recipe

The recipe below is extremely potent and needs to be consumed for 30 days straight to see positive results. It’s natural and can be consumed even if you’re on cholesterol medication. 5 Natural Remedy Recipes. The goal is to lower your cholesterol levels to a point where you no longer need medication.

It also helps to cut down your consumption of sugar and processed foods during this period, because sugar is highly inflammatory and leads to higher cholesterol levels.


* 4 garlic bulbs

* 4 lemons

* 1 piece of ginger (about 100 grams)

* 1.5 liters water


Peel the garlic and separate them into individual cloves.

Peel ginger and cut into smaller pieces.

Slice lemons (with rind) into smaller pieces.

Blend the garlic, ginger, and lemon with 500 ml of water.

Add 1.5 liters of water in a saucepan. Pour the blended paste into the water.

Boil the mixture over low heat and stir water slowly. Wait till the mixture starts to simmer and steam. Once it starts bubbling, turn off the flame.

(*Do not let the mixture boil.)

Strain the mixture into a bowl until only the water is left. Throw pulp away. Allow mixture to cool, then refrigerate it.

Drink 200 milliliters of this water every morning on an empty stomach for 30 days.


Anxiety Relief Tea

Stress and anxiety have become commonplace these days because we live in hectic times. While meditation and deep breathing exercises can help the mind to de-stress and relax, consuming a cup of tea can be immensely helpful too.

There are many types of teas that can do the job, such as chamomile tea, peppermint tea, lavender tea, green tea, etc.

The recipe below is for passionflower tea and it’s just as effective as the rest.


* 250 ml water

* 2 tsp dried passionflower

* ½ tsp lemon balm powder


Add dried passionflower and lemon balm powder in a cup.

Boil water and pour it into a cup. Allow the passionflower to steep in the water for 5 minutes.

Stir tea to ensure the lemon balm powder has dissolved. Throw pulp away.

Sip on passionflower tea slowly.

Easy Insomnia Remedy

Tossing and turning while you struggle to fall asleep?

Don’t reach for the sleeping pills just yet. This ancient herbal remedy has been used for centuries in India. In fact, ashwagandha is known as ‘Indian ginseng’ and has a plethora of health benefits. Easy Insomnia Remedy.

The ashwagandha tea recipe below will not only help you fall asleep but is great for your health too.


* 1 tsp ashwagandha powder

* 230 ml milk

* ½ teaspoon honey

* ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon


Heat up the milk until it’s warm. Add the ashwagandha powder into milk and stir till it dissolves.

Add ground cinnamon and honey into milk and stir until they dissolve.

Drink milk while it’s still warm, but be careful that it’s not too hot. You wouldn’t want to burn your lips or mouth.

Also, note that it’s ideal NOT to use digital devices such as tablets or mobile phones 2 hours before bedtime.


Immunity Boosting Tea

All-Natural Cholesterol Reduction Recipe, Quick Sore Throat Remedy, Immunity Boosting Tea, Anxiety Relief Tea, Easy Insomnia Remedy
All-Natural Cholesterol Reduction Recipe, Quick Sore Throat Remedy, Immunity Boosting Tea, Anxiety Relief Tea, Easy Insomnia Remedy

Herbal teas can be used to boost your immunity, especially during the colder seasons. There are few things more comforting than sipping on warm tea during the winter.

Use this recipe to keep the colds at bay.


* ¼ cup dried rose petals

* ¼ cup dried holy basil

* 2 tbsp cinnamon powder

* 2 tbsp ginger powder

* ¼ cup dried elderberries

* ¼ cup dried lemon balm


Blend all the ingredients well.

Store the mix in an airtight container. This mix is like your new ‘tea’ powder.

Mix 1 heaping teaspoon in a cup of hot water and stir well before consuming.

This all-natural tea can be consumed 3 or more times a day.


Quick Sore Throat Remedy

The recipe below is a good alternative for lozenges and other over-the-counter sore throat medication. As with any sore throat treatment, it’s best to address the problem in its early stages.

Make the remedy below and spray your throat if you notice the slightest sore throat symptoms.


* 100 ml water

* Raw honey (6 teaspoons)

* 1 teaspoon dried echinacea


Boil the water until it bubbles.

Add it to a bowl containing the dried echinacea. Let it steep for 5 minutes.

Strain the water and allow it to cool until it’s lukewarm. Add honey in water and stir well.

Pour the remedy into a spray bottle. Use as needed.

5 Natural Remedy Recipes


Herbs and plants

Immune System

Plant Medicine: 7 Frequently Asked Questions

5 Natural Remedy Recipes. All-Natural Cholesterol Reduction Recipe. Anxiety Relief Tea. Easy Insomnia Remedy. Immunity Boosting Tea. Sore Throat Remedy.

I hope you enjoyed this short article on natural home remedy recipes. They are easy to make and give you a huge benefit. All-natural and no pills or modern medicine.