Did you know? 7 common causes of IBS

Did you know? 7 common causes of IBS Or Irritable Bowel Syndrome

7 common causes of IBS Or Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Did you know? 7 common causes of IBS Or Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Did you know? 7 common causes of IBS Or Irritable Bowel Syndrome

1. Food intolerance (celiac disease, gluten hypersensitivity, lactose, fructose).
2. Leaky gut (increased intestinal permeability) and immune reactions to food proteins.
3. SIBO (overgrowth of bacteria and/or fungi in the small intestine)
4. Reduced production of digestive enzymes from the pancreas.
5. Reduced production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
6. Problems with normal bile excretion.
7. Disturbed bacterial flora in the small intestine.

Avoid or limit these foods with IBS:
* Apples, pears, mangoes, canned fruits, watermelon, honey, large amounts of dried fruits, fruit juices, fructose.
* Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, beans, legumes, cabbage, garlic.
* Rye and wheat (spelled flour is tolerated by some)
* Milk, ice cream, yogurt, some cheeses.
* Sorbitol, mannitol, isomalt, maltitol, xylitol, honey.

Did you know? 7 common causes of IBS Or Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Did You Know?

Yes, you can avoid this illness and live a good life with this illness if you follow our meal plan. You will encounter less pain and regular bowel movements. As for adjusting your food intake, less sugar, and wholewheat is an important part of success. Follow our list of FODMAP foods and avoid these foods can be a very good start to help.